"Please excuse my dirty house, I know it is a mess. I don't have time to clean right now, I have a bluebird nest." - Cherie Layton

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Cool stuff going on in the Bird World!


It's Time to Vote! (and not just for President) 

First of all, can you believe it's November already?! I just received the latest issue of my favorite magazine in the mail, "Birds & Blooms". I love the cover because I love winter birds! This issue is packed with lots of good stuff but, most importantly the announcement for the finalists of the "2016 Backyard Photo Contest".  I entered but I wasn't one of the finalist and that's okay, because I'll be birdwatching and working on my photo skills for next year! I realize that everyone's anxious to vote for our new President but, it's also time to vote for your favorite bird, bloom, & butterfly photo. Click on 'Vote Now!' below and cast your votes!

Thank you for voting!

Great Holiday Gift Idea: Adopt a bird!

Did you know that you can adopt a bird? You can through the Audubon Adoption Center!  I love this! Give a gift to help protect birds! When you adopt you pick the bird and you get a plush bird, a Certificate of Adoption, and the bird photo. Your donation protects the bird and it's habitat. Learn more by visiting clicking on 'Adopt a bird!' below.