"Please excuse my dirty house, I know it is a mess. I don't have time to clean right now, I have a bluebird nest." - Cherie Layton

Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Full Hunters Moon


Lastnight was the full Hunter's Moon and it was a beautiful night!  It was clear and cool and the moon glowed for all to see! So big, so bold, and so beautiful.  Of all the moon phases, I especially love the Hunter's Moon and the Harvest Moon.  The leaves are falling and it's time to hunt. The fields have been harvested and the hunters can easily see the fox and other animals.

The moon had just started to rise and I had just finished making dinner when my husband suggested that we put dinner on hold and drive down the road. He knows that I love it most when the moon is just rising over the horizon. It's absolutely beautiful. Anyway, we drove to a clearing and I snapped a few pics. The sky just never disappoints! After we returned home, I was looking through my moon pics and this poem came to mind. There are so many wonderful verses about the moon but I'll just leave you with the one below. Enjoy. 

It was the longest night in winter,
When I sent a question into space,
Asking how I'd ever change,
When I'm trapped in the same place,
And I heard the full moon giggle,
As she cloaked me in her light,
Along with the same swath of stars,
I looked at every night,
I blushed pink as a sunrise,
At the joke I didn't get,
Until the moon gave me her answer,
In the minutes before she set,
"You have much to learn on standing still,"
She told me with a smile,
"For since you first asked me that question,
You've moved five hundred thousand miles."

Just a reminder, the next moon event will be Thursday, November 4th & it will be the "New Moon". (Yes, the “Twilight” fans will be excited.)

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Finally, the Fall season is upon us!

It's almost October & Fall is my favorite season!  🍁

However, October is a complicated month for me.  I'm totally excited about the weather!  I love the cooler temps, the changing of the season and the color of the leaves.  I love Fall clothes, Fall flavored coffees & beers, and anything Pumpkin Spice...and while there are a lot of good things about October....it’s also a very difficult month for me. My mother passed away In October. One month after her 74th birthday.  She loved the Fall season as well.  (She actually loved ALL the holidays!)  She went ALL OUT decorating for ALL of the holidays.  She worked at a Florist shop and enjoyed dressing for the holidays.  Our house was always decorated and she had every holiday sweatshirt to match!  She loved sitting on the front porch and watching the birds. You have no idea how much I am like my mother, Bonnie.

So, with that being said....I am going to embrace the month of October and everything Fall as my mother would have done.  I'll be doing a lot of front porch sitting, front porch drinking, and bird watching!   

I have a lot to be thankful for.....even though the climate of the world right now gets me "down".  We must overcome all of the negative things impacting our minds.  Lets rise above and get back to normal!  No one is responsible for your happiness so you're not responsible for keeping everyone else healthy!  I think someone once said, "Take care of yourself because no one else will!"  

My motto is: 

"Take care of yourself, mind your business, & love each other! Everything is going to be okay!”

Don't forget to check out the 'sidebar' of my blog! There's lots of things to check out! 😎


Sunday, April 11, 2021

Four hungry baby birds

Four out of the six eggs hatched and the babies are now two weeks old. They are getting their feathers and eating regularly.  The male and female bluebird take turns feeding them.  It's a lot of fun watching them and listening to them chirp. They are a little crowded in there but they are managing. 


Saturday, March 27, 2021

We have 6 Eggs!

Can you believe it?!  She laid six eggs!  Now we are just waiting to see how many will actually hatch.  I've had a few birds lay six eggs before and usually only five will make it.  They should start hatching this week sometime and hopefully they will all hatch.
There is still time to get your bird houses out and attract bluebirds to your yard! 
What are you waiting for?  Get busy!


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Welcome Back!

Hi there & welcome back!! 
It's been too long and it's almost Springtime, Birdies!
I'm back and so are the Bluebirds!  💙

The bluebirds started building nests shortly after the bitter cold winds blew out of Tennessee at the end of February. I have a sweet couple that started building in my birdhouse and I've been eagerly awaiting the first egg!  She laid Egg #1 sometime between 6am-7am.  I'm not sure the exact time but when I check the camera at 7am - she had already laid egg #1.    

I'm really looking forward to the Springtime! I love the Spring flowers, the warmer temperatures, the Spring Showers, and the birds! I used to live in Texas (and I loved it there), however, I really enjoy the changing of the seasons in Tennessee. Fall is by far my favorite time of year but I always welcome the Spring after a cold winter. Be sure that you get out and enjoy the sunshine!