"Please excuse my dirty house, I know it is a mess. I don't have time to clean right now, I have a bluebird nest." - Cherie Layton

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Welcome Back!

Hi there & welcome back!! 
It's been too long and it's almost Springtime, Birdies!
I'm back and so are the Bluebirds!  💙

The bluebirds started building nests shortly after the bitter cold winds blew out of Tennessee at the end of February. I have a sweet couple that started building in my birdhouse and I've been eagerly awaiting the first egg!  She laid Egg #1 sometime between 6am-7am.  I'm not sure the exact time but when I check the camera at 7am - she had already laid egg #1.    

I'm really looking forward to the Springtime! I love the Spring flowers, the warmer temperatures, the Spring Showers, and the birds! I used to live in Texas (and I loved it there), however, I really enjoy the changing of the seasons in Tennessee. Fall is by far my favorite time of year but I always welcome the Spring after a cold winter. Be sure that you get out and enjoy the sunshine! 

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