"Please excuse my dirty house, I know it is a mess. I don't have time to clean right now, I have a bluebird nest." - Cherie Layton

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Spring is just around the corner!

Who is ready for Spring?  I'm ready and so are the bluebirds! 

They've completed their nest and are ready to start laying eggs!  I'm really looking forward to another year of bluebird babies!  ðŸ’™

If you don't have a bluebird house - now is the time to pick one up!   I purchased ours at Lowes.  It's a very sturdy 
Cedar Bluebird House made by Homegrown Cedar Products and we've had it for four years. It's very reasonably priced ($13) easy to mount and easy to clean.  Just ask my husband because that's his job! 😎 

He mounted the house on a beam off of our porch about six feet high and facing the East.  The bluebirds seem to really like it because we've had bluebirds for the past four years!  So, get yourself a bluebird house and put out some dried mealworms - it's bluebird season! 💙

Check back soon to see how many eggs she lays in Nest #1 of 2022!