"Please excuse my dirty house, I know it is a mess. I don't have time to clean right now, I have a bluebird nest." - Cherie Layton

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Bluebird Mania!

I think it's official....we have bluebird mania
We’ve had one successful brood and they fledged. Then, the parents rebuilt a nest and laid five more eggs! We are now waiting for the second brood to hatch.

Meanwhile, some of the fledglings have been spotted at our feeders!  It's very hard to determine if all the babies are coming back or just a few. Here are a few pics of the dahlings!

The second round of eggs have been laid! The last egg was laid on Saturday, May 12th. The incubation period has started and will last 12-14 days. I'm hoping all goes well and we'll have another healthy brood of babies in about two weeks.

Be sure to check back for updates on our
second round of babies!