"Please excuse my dirty house, I know it is a mess. I don't have time to clean right now, I have a bluebird nest." - Cherie Layton

Saturday, March 27, 2021

We have 6 Eggs!

Can you believe it?!  She laid six eggs!  Now we are just waiting to see how many will actually hatch.  I've had a few birds lay six eggs before and usually only five will make it.  They should start hatching this week sometime and hopefully they will all hatch.
There is still time to get your bird houses out and attract bluebirds to your yard! 
What are you waiting for?  Get busy!


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Welcome Back!

Hi there & welcome back!! 
It's been too long and it's almost Springtime, Birdies!
I'm back and so are the Bluebirds!  💙

The bluebirds started building nests shortly after the bitter cold winds blew out of Tennessee at the end of February. I have a sweet couple that started building in my birdhouse and I've been eagerly awaiting the first egg!  She laid Egg #1 sometime between 6am-7am.  I'm not sure the exact time but when I check the camera at 7am - she had already laid egg #1.    

I'm really looking forward to the Springtime! I love the Spring flowers, the warmer temperatures, the Spring Showers, and the birds! I used to live in Texas (and I loved it there), however, I really enjoy the changing of the seasons in Tennessee. Fall is by far my favorite time of year but I always welcome the Spring after a cold winter. Be sure that you get out and enjoy the sunshine!