"Please excuse my dirty house, I know it is a mess. I don't have time to clean right now, I have a bluebird nest." - Cherie Layton

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Eventful day in the yard (my bird sanctuary)!

 This afternoon, I received a text from my husband saying that I'd missed an exciting day in the bird sanctuary! We had some new visitors! 

There was a bluebird fledgling in our bird bath!  A "fledgling" is a young bird that has just got it's winged feathers and is able to fly. A few days ago we were talking about how we hadn't seen the bluebirds in a while...and now there are baby birds! We're supposed to have cooler temperatures this weekend so, I'm really hoping to see the fledglings myself.

Another exciting event of the afternoon, is this guy! It's an Oriole! I'm not sure what kind yet but it appears to be an immature male. I'm going to have to do some more research to better identify it. We haven't seen an Oriole here before so, I'm hoping it'll be back this weekend! I do have to thank my husband for grabbing the camera and getting some pics today. He made my day!

I'm looking forward to the Fall season! Cooler temps will hopefully bring out the birds again and make for good bird watching! Oh and don't forget....bring on the Pumpkin Spice Lattes! 

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